Attune your mind to attract the things and situations you desire by expressing in a daily prayer your gratitude for what you already have。
Demand a reasonable amount of dividends from life every day;instead of waiting to receive them。You will be surprised to learn how many of the desirable things in life are already your;even though you have not noticed them。
Live in a style that suits your physical and spiritual requirements;and dont waste time keeping up with the Joneses。
Refuse to heed anyones advice…unless that person is willing to give you satisfactory evidence of the soundness of his or her counsel。You will save yourself from hucksters;the misguided;and fools。
Discern that personal power does not e form the possession of material things alone。Mahatma Gandhi led his nation to freedom without a fortune。
Exert yourself so that you keep your body in shape。Mental ailments can easily spring form physical ones;and your body;like your mind;must be kept active to remain positive。
增加自己的耐性,并以开阔的心胸包容所有事物,同时也应与不同种族和不同信仰的人多接触,学习接受他人的本性, 而不要一味地要求他人照着你的意思行事。
Reinforce the habit of tolerance;and keep an open mind on all subjects and toward all people no matter what their rave or creed。Learn to like people just as they are;instead of demanding that they be just as you want them to be。
你应承认,“爱”是你生理和心理疾病的最佳药物,爱会改 变并且调适你体内的化学元素,以使它们有助于你表现出积 极心态,爱也会扩展你的包容力。接受爱的最好方法就是付出你自己的爱。
Admit that love it the finest medication for your body and your soul。Love changes the entire chemistry of your body and conditions it for the expression of a positive mental attitude。It also extends the space you occupy in the heart of others。The best way to receive love is to give it。
以相同或更多的价值回报给你好处的人。“报酬增加律” 最后还会给你带来好处,而且可能会为你带来所有你应得到 的东西的能力。
Return every benefit you receive with one of equal or greater value。The Law of Increasing Returns will operate in your favor;and eventuallyor perhaps very soonit will give you the capacity to get everything you are entitled to。A positive mental attitude works both ways。
记住,当你付出之后,必然会得到等价或更高价的东西。抱着这种念头,可使你驱除对年老的恐惧。一个最好的例子 就是,年轻消逝,但换来的却是智慧。
Avoid the fear of old age by remembering that nothing is ever taken form you without being replaced by something by wisdom。
你要相信你可以为所有的问题找到适当的解决方法,但 也要注意你所找到的解决方法,未必都是你想要的解决方法。
Trust that adequate solutions can be found for all your problems;but accept the fact that the solutions may not always be the ones your want。
参考别人的例子,提醒自己任何不利清况,都是可以克服 的。虽然爱迪生只接受过三个月的正规教育,但他却是最伟 大的发明家。虽然海伦·凯勒失去了视觉、听觉和说话能力, 但她却鼓舞了数万人。明确目标的力量必然胜过任何限制。
Rely on examples of others to remind you that any disadvantage can be overe。Thomas Edison had only three months of formal schooling;yet he was the greatest inventor who ever lived;Helen Caller was without sight;hearing;or speech;yet she inspired millions definite major purpose is stronger than any limitation。
对于善意的批评应采取接受的态度,而不应采取消极的 反应,接受学习他人如何看待你的机会,利用这种机会做一 番反省,并找出应该改善的地方,别害怕批评,你应勇敢地 面对它。
Wele friendly criticism instead of reacting to it negatively。Embrace any opportunity to learn how others see you;and use it to take inventory of yourself and look for things which need improvement。Do not fear criticism;encourage it。
和其他献身于成功原则的人组成智囊团,讨论你们的进 程,并从更宽广的经验中获取好处,务必以积极面作为基础进 行讨论。
Create a mastermind alliance with others dedicated to the principles of success。Discuss your progress and insights and gain the benefit of a much wider range of experience。Always keep these meeting on a positive plane。
分清楚愿望(Wishing)、希望(Hoping)、欲望(Desiring)以及强烈欲望(a burning Desire)与达到目标之间的差别,其中只有强烈的欲望会给你驱动力,而且只有积极心态才能供给产生驱动力所需的燃料。
Grasp the differences between wishing;hoping;desiring;and having a burning desire to achieve your goal。Only a burning desire gives you a driving motivation;and it can be fueled only by a positive mental attitude。
避免任何具有负面意义的说话型态,尤其应根除吹毛求疵、闲言闲语或中伤他人名誉的行为,这些行为会使你的思想 朝向消极面发展。
Abstain from negative conversation;especially carping;gossip;or tearing apart other peoples reputations。These activities condition your mind to think negatively。
[励志]星云大师_宽心 告别虚伪的形式 三双鞋:美捷步总裁谢家华自述 天亮以后说分手 撬开富翁的嘴--获悉成功秘诀 幸福没有味道 学会站着睡觉 中华帝国1908 换工作不如换思维 毒女人:86位吸毒女性的口述实录 激荡三十年(上下) 婆媳相处之道 来到古代 看朱成碧 重生之沸腾时代 男人的黄金时代 脱掉你的"外套":职场无忧心理历练丛书 鹰之时代 初战销金 今生龙凤缘